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Collagen Supplements – Love It Or Hate It

Now you can decide for yourself…

Collagen powders and supplements have become the new craze but do we actually know why?  Do we actually know what they do and do we actually know if they work or not?  I am here to give you all the necessary information about collagen and why we decided to add collagen powders to our supplement range.  That way, you can decide for yourself if it’s worth it or not.

What Is Collagen?
In a nutshell, collagen is a type of protein, a very special type of protein.  It is often referred to as the body’s scaffolding as is it the body’s most abundant structural protein.  Not only is it the body’s most abundant protein, but it is found almost everywhere in the body: connective tissue, organs, blood vessels, skin, tendons, bones & cartilage.  Like I said… it’s everywhere, and with good reason.  Collagen plays a very important role in our bodies.  Not only does it provide structural support to tissue, it assists with tissue repair, immune responses as well as cellular communication and maintenance, so it is very important to ensure our collagen is in tip top shape.

Unfortunately from the age of about 25 our natural collagen production slows down drastically,  our fibroblast cells become lazy and somewhat impaired, our existing collagen becomes fragmented and more loosely distributed. Simply put, we start to show typical signs of ageing.  At this point we need to try and slow down the deterioration of our existing collagen as well as stimulate new collagen production through healthy lifestyle and food choices.

External factors such as smoking cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive sugar consumption and excessive exposure to UV radiation (sun) and pollution should be avoided to preserve healthy collagen.  We can assist our bodies in naturally producing more collagen by following a diet high in protein sources such as poultry, fish, bean & eggs as these amino acids will certainly assist this process.  It is also absolutely necessary to include Vitamin C into our diets as collagen synthesis is almost impossible without adequate levels of this vitamin.  Citrus fruits, peppers, green veggies & berries contain a good amount of Vitamin C so they should be included in your diets everyday to ensure collagen production.  In order to preserve collagen, it is essential to include foods high in phyto-nutrients into our daily diets such as fruits & vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans & tea.  It’s really no wonder collagen supplements have become so popular lately. 

How do Hydrolysed Collagen Supplements work?
Hydrolysed collagen means that the collagen has been broken down to make it easier for our bodies to absorb it.  Once ingested, the amino acids are absorbed through the small intestine.  These amino acids then travel throughout and help support the natural production of collagen by ‘waking up’ our fibroblast cells and putting them work.  Fibroblast cells are responsible for producing and maintain collagen so as our fibroblasts are stimulated they start producing collagen fibres and when these cells are looked after correctly, they continue to function correctly.

Benefits of Hydrolysed collagen Supplements
Considering collagen is found just about everywhere in our bodies, having a supplement that stimulates the production thereof is endless.  However, these are the most common benefits and they also happen to be my 7 favourite benefits:

  • Assists with preventing Bone Loss
  • Supports Joint Mobility & Strength
  • Assists with improving Muscle Mass & may support weight loss.
  • Assists with Gut Health & Boosts the Metabolism
  • Promotes Heart Health & Function
  • Improves the quality of Skin, Nails & Hair
  • Supports Brain Health & Function

Negative Effects of Collagen
During my research I did not come across any reports of negative side effects, however there is always a possibility of heart burn & bloating and may differ from person to person.  Similarly, as in the case of any product intended for consumption, food allergies are always possibility. 

It is also very important to consider where and how the product is manufactured and sourced.  Please always make sure that your collagen supplement is

  • Sugar Free
  • GMO Free
  • Lactose Free (in the case of lactose intolerance)
  • 100% Natural
  • Ethically sourced
  • Correctly Hydrolysed (you can normally tell by the colour and grain size)

There’s no doubt that collagen supplements are beneficial to a healthy lifestyle, but should you choose not to take a collagen supplement, please always remember to follow a healthy lifestyle and eating plan as I mentioned earlier to assist with collagen production and healthy collagen maintenance.

Should you choose to take a supplement of any kind, please do so with care and caution.  If you are suffering from any medical condition, please do consult with your doctor first and please please please always remember that these supplements are intended to enhance wellness and are not intended to replace any advice or medication prescribed by your health care professional.