Type I & Type II Bovine Collagen Powder

Hydrolysed for better absorption

Easily dissolves in hot/cold drinks, smoothies, yoghurt etc

Flavour Free

Suitable for men & women who are just starting out with a collagen supplement.

Suitable for individuals who take a lot of other supplements/vitamins.

Type I & Type II Bovine Collagen + Glutathione Powder

Hydrolysed for better absorption

Easily dissolves in hot/cold drinks, smoothies, yoghurt etc

Flavour Free

Ideal for men & women suffering from dull, ashy skin & other skin disorders.

Suitable for individuals who want an anti-oxidant in their daily supplement.

Ideal for individuals focused on anti-ageing & cell regenration. 

Type I & Type II Bovine Collagen + Taurine Powder

Hydrolysed for better absorption

Easily dissolves in hot/cold drinks, smoothies, yoghurt etc

Flavour Free

Ideal for men & women to assist with chronic stress management.

Suitable during times of stress & illness. 

Ideal for athletes and busy individuals to assist with muscle recovery & performance.

Suitable for individuals who are on a weight loss program.